A Pop Art Nouveau painting on its journey


In June 2020, a unique art project celebrated its premiere: Camillo Stepanek takes the next creative step and sends one of his “Pop Art Nouveau” works on a journey. For one year his artwork will be on tour within Austria. People interested in art will be given the opportunity to hang Stepanek’s painting in their homes for a month. ” In this way, the interaction between the work and the viewer does not take place in galleries and museums as usual, but in a much more private atmosphere: directly in your own home”.


Hillinger’s Wine & Bar
Tyrol, Kitzbühel

Start of the Journey

On June 3, 2020, “Hillinger`s Wine Bar – Kitzbühel” will launch an art performance that is unique to this date: Camillo Stepanek will send his red Pop Art Nouveau piece, with which he has already performed his art performance during the time of the hard lockdown in Vienna, Salzburg and Kitzbühel, on a journey.

With this art project Camillo Stepanek is reacting to the Corona-related cancellations of his international exhibitions for 2020 in New York, Dubai and Paris. “The current situation allows me to focus entirely on Austria now. Of course I will have a good look at the hosts of the “travelling artwork” and the suggested locations. The artwork can be displayed anywhere from architecturally innovative office spaces to traditional alpine huts, in shared student apartments or in the living room of an art-loving person. Almost anything is possible and that is why I love this new project,” says Camillo Stepanek.

The management of “Hillinger`s Wine Bar” in Kitzbühel heard about the Walking Artwork idea by chance and contacted us spontaneously to be the first host of this special journey. In the center of Kitzbühel, “Das Wanderkunstwerk” will be available for visitors to see until the end of June.

“I am particularly happy about this, because the Walking Artwork will start its journey in the same place where I started to create it live in 2018 during the “Long Night of Museums” in the presence of many spectators in the City Museum of Kitzbühel. Afterwards I finalized it in my art studio in Vienna. “The wandering work of art”, which also carries the name “Kitzbühel”, starts its journey from its native town”, Camillo Stepanek is excited.


Kukmirn, Burgenland

Walking Artwork arrives in Kukmirn

Andrea Haas and Horst Buchebner from “Yogahof” convinced ‘Pop Art Nouveau’ artist Camillo Stepanek with their arguments:

 The choice among the numerous applications was not easy, but for the second stay of the art action yet clear: “Andrea and Horst created a paradise for all senses in harmony with nature here at Zellenberg – that is exactly what is so wonderful. The two have also convinced me with the idea of continuing travaling with the Walking Artwork  at the “Yogahof”.” so Camillo Stepanek.


Salzburger Festspiele 
Salzburg, Salzburg

Salzburg Festival: “Art for a better World” + exhibition with the Death

In August 2020, “Das Wanderkunstwerk” will be shown at the Salzburg Festival: “Das Wanderkunstwerk” will be presented in the context of the “Art for a Better World” group exhibition, at which Stepanek will be represented with 7 other works.

 “It is very special to be presented during the Salzburg Festival and Ulrike convinced me with her idea “Art for a Better World”. In a collective exhibition, renowned artists are committed to the preservation of the rainforest in Colombia, which produces the oxygen we all need to live”. Camillo Stepanek is looking forward to the group exhibition with artists such as Billi Thanner and actor Peter Lohmeyer, who has been playing the Death at the Salzburg Festival’s “Jedermann” since 2013.

I applied because I like the Walking Artwork myself, and also the idea behind it very much. That’s why I wanted to present this special piece of art during the Salzburg festival to a maximum number of art-loving people, so curator Ulrike Dirmayer.

Salzburg is a special place for me and it’s even more spectacular during the festival time.  At the joint environmental protection project, the Walking Artwork should not be missing.” so Camillo Stepanek.


Die Brotfabrik
Vienna, Vienna


In September 2020, the “Walking Artwork” by the Austrian ‘Pop Art Nouveau’ artist Camillo Stepanek will make a stop at the historic bread factory in Vienna Favoriten.

“If someone had told me at the start of the project that “Das Wanderkunstwerk” would be on display at a construction area for a month, I would have smiled and just simply shook my head. But here at the Brotfabrik, which is currently in the process of a very special transformation from an industrial center to an art space and now to an inspiring place for creative ideas, innovation and teamwork, “Das Wanderkunstwerk” is just at the right address,” says Camillo Stepanek.

Still hammering, drilling and screwing is going on at the construction of the bread factory at Absberggasse 27 in the 10th district. At the end of October, the premises, which formerly also served the renowned Galerie Hilger as a branch for the “Galerie Hilger Next 10”, should be ready. A new kind of space is being created here: 650 square meters for creative ideas, innovation and teamwork.

“In the 10th district of Vienna, the largest bread factory in Europe was once built, driven by the efficient and work-sharing value chains of industrialization. But today, physical workspaces are changing dramatically. Especially in the course of the experienced Corona virtualization of workplaces, the function of working environments in real space is shifting: places of simple employee presence are increasingly obsolete; places of meeting, exchange, collaboration and diversity of ideas are the future. With this vision, we are driving forward the conversion of these special spaces into a Co-Innovation Factory. I am very pleased that Camillo and his Walking Artwork will be accompanying us on this transformation journey in September and will send impulses of inspiration,” says Paul Blazek.


Die Forelle
Lake Weissensee, Carinthia

The Walking Artwork in the “Forelle”

In October 2020, the Walking Artwork makes a stop at the gourmet hotel “Forelle” at the lake Weissensee. Camillo Stepanek made the decision to exhibit the Walking Artwork – on his one-year journey through Austria – with the Müller family quite deliberately:

“The way in which the Müller family runs their business here sustainably and in harmony with nature and the seasons at the highest level, as well as the honest kindness with which all guests are received and treated here, convinced me to select the gourmet country hotel “Die Forelle” on lake Weissensee. Here, great value is given to even the smallest things, and this is exactly one of the core statements of my art: to make beauty visible in small things”, Camillo Stepanek explains his choice.

I became aware of the Walking Artwork through a friend from Vienna who told me about this art project and its special spirit. In fact, our pursuit of sustainable and natural solutions has a lot in common with ‘Pop Art Nouveau’ and Camillo Stepanek’s desire to depict the “magic lines of nature” and thus encourage reflection in pausing and lingering. This is why we wanted to be a host for ‘Das Wanderkunstwerk’ and we are very happy to be able to present this work of art at Lake Weissensee in October,” says Hannes Müller, a two-time gourmet chef.


Young Musicans Family 
Timelkam, Upper Austria

The Sound of Lines – Walking Artwork comes to a young musicians family

Benedikt Blaschek from Timelkam in Upper Austria has been following Camillo Stepanek’s career for several years. When he heard about the art project through the media, he immediately grabbed the opportunity and applied for the artwork.

“Never would I have thought that Camillo would choose our little home in Upper Austria as a host,” says Benedikt. But that’s exactly the beauty of the art project: everything is possible.

The young family of musicians is particularly looking forward to the Walking Artwork. It goes up right next to the piano that Benedikt plays music on for his young daughter and wife, inspired by the lines of the artwork. “The painting sends out such a strong energy and I let it flow directly into the music. I often let my eyes roam over the painting and each time I discover a new set of things and figures that I didn’t see before. The painting gives me strength during the uncertain time of the lockdown and my family and I enjoy the beauty of the painting every single day.”


Twins on Tour
Vienna, Vienna

The Walking Artwork at Twins on Tour

The art performance about the artwork “Kitzbühel” has already been running for half a year and has again found a very special location: This time, once again, it goes to Vienna, to the two gay twins Reinhold and Harald Heindl.

“I have rarely felt such an authentic, affirming love of life and cosmopolitanism as I have with the two ‘Heindl – sisters’. The two spread a welcome atmosphere, where you simply feel at home. I am particularly pleased that with this very special hospitality a clear sign “pro love” is set. Especially in the present time of ‘social distancing’, it is important that despite the physical distance in society, we move closer together again with our hearts and start the year 2021 open-minded and tolerant.”

“We absolutely love art in every sense of the word and have such a joy that Camillo is hanging his internationally known art in our living room via the Walking Artwork. The artwork really makes our living room pop. We are happy that especially now in the cold time of the year the light of the candles dances in the golden grain of the painting and fills our living room with even more warmth,” said Reini and Harry Heindl.